Let the Children...


Let the Children come to Me

                ‘Let the Little Children Come to Me”         by Vogel von Vogelstein  c. 1788-1868

            Christ chides the adults who would hold the children back. He reminds them,

“...to such belong the kingdom of Heaven.”     Mt. 19:13

            Lord, help me to retain the innocence of a child. A child sees very simply. Help me to remember that Christ’s message to us is very simple: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

            Help me to cherish all the children of the world and to cherish and nurture the child that resides in us all. If I stumble along my life’s path, if I find myself slipping away from the Lord’s purpose for me, let me begin again by reaching out to a child who needs me. Let me heal a child, feed a child, love a child, and surely I will find my way back to my Father.


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